Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Welcome to Dreams of a CrackerJack Nurse.
This blog is for brave people, especially hospital personnel who work the night shift.  We are the planet experts on  knowing the landscape of bizarre dreams.
These dreams are real.  Only the names of the dreamers have been changed to protect careers, jobs, relationships and secrets.
Some dreams are from Medical Social Workers, Hospital Security Guys, Patients, Respiratory Therapists, children of hospital personnel, etc., etc., etc.    
Most are from nurses.
 More dreams will be posted from time to time as time permits.
This blog is a book in progress.
CrackerJack Nurse

Read on.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Mandy's Dream

The slanted tar driveway travels downhill to my home. Twilight shades it as I come home from the hospital.
 I was so grateful to be off duty, but now that I am walking down my driveway, I am unsure. Some strange woman from somewhere has met me on the tarmac to tell me Obama, President Obama, is staying at my house tonight! She is excited as she tells me of the honor but I cannot image what she is talking about.
I can hear Obama talking, but I am not sure where his voice is coming from. Maybe the TV.

I go into my house expecting to see Michelle, but there are people there I don't recognize.
Several strangers are doing dishes at my kitchen sink. And I realize I have not bought anything to fix for dinner for company. My refrigerator is old and stands on little legs with fat feet.
I am embarrassed about my crappy chipped fridge. 
 I just stand there not knowing what to do.

Some man, kind of cute, turns to me and explains I have been selected to house President Obama tonight because I am a nurse and the President wants to show his respect and support for poor people.
Suddenly I knew I was poor, except, I do own a house!
Oh, now I see. Part of my house has flooded and nobody fixed it! This must have happened while I was working in triage today.
What am I supposed to do?

I don't like Obama!

Out my window I see flowers in my backyard because now the sun is shining and I wonder if a new day has started. I still hear Obama's voice and I know he is campaigning.

I go back up my driveway and see the round holes in the paved driveway where I have planted new tiny trees.
I wish I could see the street not just the sidewalk, but I don't want to climb clear up to the sidewalk to see the street. I can see the tops of cars as they whiz by. It is nighttime and I don't think I will go back down to my house.

Waking up, I feel disturbed that I dreamed about that man I don't like!
Am I poor?” I think.
Why did I dream about a frigidaire that was in my grandparent's home when I was a kid? A relic they didn't even use!

CrackerJack thanks you for your visit.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Crystal's Dream

The icy road leading to the hospital is treacherous and I cannot figure out why I let somebody else drive the train. I should be driving! I am a nurse.
Stepping out of the boxcar into the very small parking lot, I see a lot of thin white snow on the ground. This is desert, I think. Why all the snow?
Then I remember. Oh, this must be Kanab or Moab. I've taken a new job in a different hospital.
Inside the brown dingy lobby, I suddenly discover it is the polygamous community.
I am disturbed. This is my first day at work and I cannot figure out what time I am supposed to be here or even where I am to start! I can feel hot air blowing on me and the lobby is full of mingling people, a lot of them children. A smiling woman turns to me. “Oh, Crystal, we are having an unusual start today because Dean Ard died and it's his media coverage. We must all attend.” As she points to a partially opened door at the other end of the brown dingy lobby, I see bright yellow light shining forth and inside the room are flowers and pictures on a mantel above an alcove .
I enter the room at the same time as two little well-behaved kids, polygamous kids with their arms neatly folded, who immediately sit on padded folding chairs which are not at the oval table beautified with purple cloth and purple napkin rings and lavender napkins.
Where am I supposed to sit, I think. Who sits at the table? Feeling unsure and a bit confused, I go over to the piano/casket to look at the pictures of Dean Ard. I have heard his name before but am clueless who he is. I recognize him from his picture and wonder why they are honoring a city official from another town. I notice he is old. Sixty at least.
I turn and see Polly, another RN, is sitting on a couch. Ok. That's where I should sit. Polly says, “You know Rosemary”. And I see the polygamous nurse Rosemary I worked with several years ago.
Do you remember me?” I ask. “Oh, yes!” Rosemary says with a grin. “We all remember YOU.”
I wonder if that is good or bad but since she is smiling I decide to pretend it is good.
I sit down on the couch beside the other two RN's and suddenly I remember I am a surgery nurse and need to go to Surgery! I leave the polygamists to have their funeral festivities and suddenly I am at the tiny Cocoa Cafe right beside the swinging doors to the Operating Room. I need to enter the O.R and since the O.R. is sterile I must “gown in” to enter and I hate gowning in. I decide to have a cup of hot cocoa but the little crowded cafe is busy with a crisis. A sleeping male patient on a gurney is there and awaiting surgery but nobody can figure out who he is. The confused all-male hospital team is trying to get his identity figured out. I am worried about that sleeping patient but since I have no clue who he is, the problem is not mine to solve.

Get him out into the hallway!” I order the team. Nobody looks at me or responds

Monday, December 9, 2013

Nina Lyn's Dream

I don't like being in this truck. There is no house and the man driving is dangerous, an old dirt bag with no teeth who drives this truck onto an edge overlooking a lawn with no house.

I look at the panoramic view below and the brown jagged dirt of the cliff.

The three green bushes are arranged just right, not tall enough to screen the dining activities of the hospital people below in the yard of red picnic tables with their little matching yellow checkered table cloths fluttering in the wind but never flying away.

I can't go because I lost my purse and my badge was in it. The policy about badges only applies to me, so I can't go.

I'm afraid. Bone chilling fear. But I am determined. I think I can walk down that cliff.

I start walking/climbing down that cliff which blends into a weedy, gravelly yard. I can't see anybody but I hear voices having fun.

Friday, November 29, 2013

McKay's Dream

Walking is so easy!

I knew this Star Trek adventure would be fun, but its ease surprises me.

Looking out the big window I see the strange red sky everybody was talking about.

Oh, my gosh. I am so glad I'm here!

Yikes! Where did that violent animal-creature come from? We start laughing at him because he is twirling.
Boom! Whack! His tail hits me.
I look around at the Emergency Room. Dried blood is everywhere. Then I remember. The housekeeper got fired because space is too expensive for housekeepers.
Wow. Why do I have to walk through this on-deck-shower?
Did I die and have to shower before Heaven?
I look over and see houses on the hillside in the fog. Wow. Look how intense those colors are! Gosh. I wish they would quit going in and out of view. I wish I could see better. Oh, my gosh! Look at that huge telescope coming out of the sky! It's headed for me and is coming fast. Thank goodness it slows as it reaches me and attaches to my eye. Now whatever I want happens. Peacefulness is everywhere. This must be the Second Coming.

Now I see The Celestial Room.
This room is not on our craft! I think I have died. I'm pretty sure I died.
I walk over to The Celestial Room and I see the “Closed for Cleaning” sign. OK. I'll have to wait, which is good because now I can mingle with all the people!
They are so glad to see me.
Oh, my gosh! There is Ethan! Enthusiasm surges through my being.
People who know me like me.
People who do not know me like me!
This is so wonderful.

Suddenly I see the Hell Stairs descending below. I don't recognize any of the people who are running up and then back down the stairs. They are not penned in, but they never reach the top of the stairs. Up and down. Up and down.

The feast spread out for me and everybody is on a long table and I realize this IS Heaven and there IS food you can eat. One little cookie doesn't look so well, but I know it is and I eat it . 
This is wonderful. 

I am still feasting, surrounded by peace and happiness and people who like me when I wake up.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Jill's Dream

The street was straight and littered with parked cars, and sunlight glinted on a moving dark car.

Something scared me about that brown car. It seemed “after” me, headed for me but from behind me. 
I must get to my kids!
I think this is the right street to get there to my kids but my heart is beating so fast I think I might be in the wrong town. 
This street is familiar but strange. 
I am hurrying but the bumpy sidewalk is moving slow. Now it is stopping! The car. 
Creepiness crawls on me, but I look over at the car anyway.
I scream. 
Two weird women are looking straight at me through the open car window. The hospital gauze wrapped around their faces is dirty and stringy. I see haunting eyes peering at me through holes in the hospital gauze and I know! They are the acid throwers! 
Victims turned evil. 
I remember the New Order and how women are supposed to be.
I take off running away. I've got to get to my daughter before they do. I will not let her be disfigured for the Society. 

My heart is beating so fast I cannot breathe.

My pounding heart wakes me up just as the haunted lepers throw something at me.

Screaming and trembling, I wake up in time to see the moving shadows of car headlights on my bedroom wall.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Margaret's Dream

I woke up and can't remember how my dream started! What good is a dream if you cannot remember the beginning?

I am a little child, and I don't understand how I can be a nurse.  I walk down the lane and stumble upon a military development on Braxton Road.  I am surprised.

I trip on my blanket and fall. 

 I see a little tank in the distance and it comes buzzing at me and is now HUGE. At the last minute before running over me it swerves and I can see the young black haired man in the dark olive green tank is just kindly checking to see if I am ok.
I am ok, but all the many construction vehicles are little. 
Quite little.  These toys are scarey because I now know that they can suddenly turn HUGE.

There are so many interlopers but I compliment them all to avoid conflict.
I feel sick, and suddenly there is a waterfall or flowing water....

I can't remember.
I hate being asked about my dreams because actually I only remember pieces of them.